class: inverse, middle, left, my-title-slide, title-slide # Statistical Consultancy
as Service Learning
in an Undergrad Statistics Course ### Stacy DeRuiter ### 3 August 2020
JSM 127, Understanding Statistics for Good: Integrating Service Learning into Statistics Education --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Motivation --- # Guidelines and Goals <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/guideline-anim/GAISEColl.png" height="185"> <img src="images/guideline-anim/GAISEk12.png" height="185"> <img src="images/guideline-anim/asa-curric-2014.png" height="185" > </p> <br> ## Real data, Statistical software, Problem-solving, Decision-making, Diversity, Communication --- # Service Learning at Calvin University <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/slc.png" height="350"> <img src="images/academic-sl.png" height="350"> </p> <> --- # Statistics Without Borders <> <div style="text-align:center;"> <video width="800" height="450" autoplay controls muted> <source src="images/swb_1_intro.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> ### Meeting today, 17:00: <> --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # The Course --- # STAT 245: Advanced Data Analysis ## A.K.A.: Applied Regression; or, GLMs & Friends <br> <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> Thanks to: <> --- # Applied Regression; or, GLMs & Friends <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/logistic.png" height="180"> <!-- <img src="images/birds.png" height="180"> --> </p> <!-- <p class="aligncenter"> --> <!-- <img src="images/random-effects.png" height="170"> --> <!-- <img src="images/splines.png" height="170"> --> <!-- </p> --> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> *images:,,* --- # Applied Regression; or, GLMs & Friends <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/logistic.png" height="180"> <img src="images/birds.png" height="180"></p> <!-- <p class="aligncenter"> --> <!-- <img src="images/random-effects.png" height="170"> --> <!-- <img src="images/splines.png" height="170"> --> <!-- </p> --> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> *images:,,* --- # Applied Regression; or, GLMs & Friends <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/logistic.png" height="180"> <img src="images/birds.png" height="180"></p> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/random-effects.png" height="170"> <!-- <img src="images/splines.png" height="170"> --> </p> <br> *images:,,* --- # Applied Regression; or, GLMs & Friends <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/logistic.png" height="180"> <img src="images/birds.png" height="180"></p> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src="images/random-effects.png" height="170"> <img src="images/splines.png" height="170"> </p> <br> *images:,* --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Service-Learning Projects --- ## Statistical Consultancy as Service Learning  --- # More (Global) Project partners <br><br> <p> <img src="images/water-mission.png" height="180"> <img src="images/ugandan-water.png" height="180"> <img src="images/global.png" height="220"> </p> <br><br> # Join us? *world icon:* --- # Project Structure 1.0 <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src='images/report.png' height='400'> </p> <br> *icon:* --- # Project Structure 1.0: Oops. <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src='images/frustrated-student.jpg' height='300'> <img src='images/report.png' height='300'> <img src='images/frustrated-person.jpg' height='300'> </p> <br> <br> <br> *icons:,,* --- # Project Structure 2.0 --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # ? + ? + ? --- # Project Structure 2.0: Three Key Questions <br> <p class="aligncenter"> <img src='images/books.png' height='120'> <img src='images/tidy.jpeg' height='120'> <img src='images/splines.png' height='120'> <img src='images/random-effects.png' height='120'> <img src='images/nigeria-app.png' height='120'> </p> - Annotated Bibliography - Tidy Dataset - Pretty Figures - Regression Model (rationale, results, figures, interpretation) - Interactive map or app <br> *icons:,,* --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Student Perspective --- # Student Time Investment (Fall 2019) ## Goal: 40 hours or 4-5 hours per week <br> <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Student Survey (n = 9, or 33%) ## Effects of Projects <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="98%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Students: Assessment of Group Work <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="98%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Students: Difficulty of Tasks <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <!-- *Research approved by Calvin University IRB* --> --- # Students: Working with Partners <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse middle center big-subsection # Partner Perspective --- # Partner Survey (n = 7, 50%) ## Motivation: They do it for us! <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Partner Experience ## How Useful were Results? <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Some Reflections - Gratitude to partners - Incredible learning opportunity - Build connection and community - Weak business plan - Time constraints - Division of attention: normal course content, project - Practice learning *by doing* in community; not learn, *then* do - Experience "real" statistical process --- <iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe> --- # Similar Initiatives ## This session! ### Purdue University StatCom (Andrew Thomas) ### Cal State Monterey Bay (Alana Unfried) ### Jefferson Comm. College Ctr. Community Studies (Joel LaLone) <p class="aligncenter"> <img src='images/collaboratory.png' height='300'> <img src='images/gvsu-consulting-center.png' height='300'> </p> --- <iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe> --- # Conclusions and Perspectives <br> - Projects yield - motivation + struggle - success if viz and models *communicate clearly* - practice, internalize statistical process - connections across the curriculum - It’s not (too) hard to mastermind ###...BUT - Student engagement? - Value for partner organizations? - How can we turn **time limitation** into an asset? --- ## Thank You! <iframe src="" width="640" height="338" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe> ### Contact Stacy DeRuiter ### Email: ### Twitter: @slderuiter Slides: <>