This function is used to extract multiple sub-samples of data from a vector or matrix.

extract_cues(x, sampling_rate, cues, len)



is a vector or matrix of measurements. If x is a matrix, each column is treated as a separate measurement vector.


is the sampling rate in Hz of the data in x.


defines the start time in seconds of the intervals to be extracted from x.


is the length of the interval to extract in seconds. This should be a scalar.


A list with 2 elements:

  • X: A matrix containing sub-samples of x. If x is a vector, X has as many columns as there are cues, i.e., each cue generates a column of X. If x is a pxm matrix, X will be a qxmxn matrix where n is the size of cues and q is the length of the interval requested, i.e., round(sampling_rate*len) samples.

  • cues: The list of cues actually used. cues that require data outside of x are rejected.


Output sampling rate is the same as the input sampling rate.


BW <- beaked_whale # beaked_whale must be in your working directory
list <- extract_cues(x = BW$A$data, sampling_rate = BW$A$sampling_rate, cues = c(6, 40), len = 11)