Welcome to the load tag data vignette! On behalf of the team behind tagtools, thanks for taking some time to get to know our package. We hope it facilitates your work.

In this vignette, you will gain confidence with using the tagtools to create and load netCDF files, including editing metadata (important data about the data).

Estimated time for this vignette: about 20 minutes.

These vignettes assume that you have some basic experience working with R/Rstudio, and can execute provided code, making some user-specific changes along the way (e.g. to help R find a file you downloaded). We will provide you with quite a few lines. To boost your own learning, you would do well to try and write them before opening what we give, using this just to check your work. Additionally, be careful when copy-pasting special characters such as _underscores_, and ‘quotes’. If you get an error, one thing to check is that you have just single, simple underscores, and ‘straight quotes’, whether ‘single’ or “double” (rather than “smart quotes”).

Loading an .nc File

Load the test data set

For this example, you will load in the data file from a CATs tag. The data file is already stored in a .nc file called ‘cats_test_raw.nc’. This dataset is built into the tagtools package, so you can access it using system.file. Click Code at the right to see how.

library(tagtools) # always start with this
cats_file_path <- system.file("extdata", "cats_test_raw.nc", package = "tagtools", mustWork = TRUE)
MN <- load_nc(cats_file_path)

This especially concise two-line method should always work with the installation of tagtools that we support, for all eight built-in datasets that come with the package. We will make frequent use of this method in these vignettes. It is especially nice because it saves you some hassle (of tracking down where the dataset is saved and setting your working directory there, or of figuring out what your working directory is and moving your dataset there).

However, it is worth your while to understand how to do these steps manually, though this requires its own separate mental task, because you will have to do this in the real world when you get your own data from somewhere else. You should keep track of what your working directory is for other reasons, too. So, familiarize yourself with the following commands:

getwd() # prints your current working directory. Often this will not be a tidy folder, but contain other things. So, to avoid that... 
setwd("/Path/To/Tidy/Working/Directory/In/Quotes") # on Mac or Linux, paths look like this, with forward slashes between folders. For instance:
setwd("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/library/tagtools/extdata/") # depending on your system, this may set your working directory to the folder containing the built-in datasets
setwd("C:\Users\Sam Fynewever\Program Files") # on Windows, paths look like this, with a letter and colon at the beginning, then backslashes between folders

Additionally, your working directory should be visible at the top of the console:

Now, if you have navigated to your working directory in your file finder and/or ensured that the dataset file, cats_test_raw.nc, is located there (whether by changing your working directory or copy-pasting the file into your working directory), you can run load_nc “by hand”—see code:

MN <- load_nc("cats_test_raw") # no .nc required this way!

All right! Whichever way you have just run MN <- load_nc(...), this creates an animaltag list object MN in your workspace. You can view it in the Environment tab if working in RStudio.

Or in the command line/console, type:

str(MN, max.level = 1)
#> [1] "First the results for names(MN):"
#> [1] "--------------------------------------------"
#> [1] "Acc"   "Gyr"   "Depth" "Light" "info"
#> [1] "Then the results for str(MN, max.level = 1):"
#> [1] "--------------------------------------------"
#> List of 5
#>  $ Acc  :List of 19
#>  $ Gyr  :List of 19
#>  $ Depth:List of 19
#>  $ Light:List of 19
#>  $ info :List of 38
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "animaltag" "list"
#> [1] "and finally the results for str(MN$A):"
#> [1] "--------------------------------------------"
#> List of 19
#>  $ data              : num [1:720000, 1:3] -2.42 -2.4 -2.35 -2.3 -2.2 ...
#>  $ sampling          : chr "regular"
#>  $ sampling_rate     : num 0.00463
#>  $ sampling_rate_unit: chr "Hz"
#>  $ depid             : chr "cats_test"
#>  $ creation_date     : chr "2019-12-07 13:26:03"
#>  $ history           : chr "read_cats"
#>  $ type              : chr "A"
#>  $ full_name         : chr "Acceleration"
#>  $ description       : chr "triaxial acceleration"
#>  $ unit              : chr "m/s2"
#>  $ unit_name         : chr "metres per second squared"
#>  $ unit_label        : chr "m/s^2"
#>  $ start_offset      : num 0
#>  $ start_offset_units: chr "second"
#>  $ column_name       : chr "x,y,z"
#>  $ frame             : chr "tag"
#>  $ axes              : chr "FRU"
#>  $ files             : chr "20160730-091117-Froback-11-part"

You should see that variables Acc, Gyr, Depth, Light, and info are contained within the list MN.

Explore the test dataset

Now you can find out what each of the variables is by just typing their name followed by enter. For example, for info (tag-wide metadata), run

#> $depid
#> [1] "cats_test"
#> $creation_date
#> [1] "2019-12-07 13:36:15"
#> $data_source
#> [1] "20160730-091117-Froback-11-part"
#> $data_nfiles
#> [1] "1"
#> $data_format
#> [1] "csv"
#> $device_make
#> [1] "CATS"
#> $device_type
#> [1] "Archival"
#> $dephist_device_tzone
#> [1] "0"
#> $dephist_device_regset
#> [1] "dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS"
#> $dephist_device_datetime_start
#> [1] "2016-07-27 16:29:38"
#> $sensors_list
#> [1] "3 axis Accelerometer,3 axis Gyroscope,Temperature,Pressure,Light level,"
#> $animal_id
#> [1] "Unknown"
#> $animal_species_common
#> [1] "Humpback whale"
#> $animal_species_science
#> [1] "Megaptera novaeangliae"
#> $dephist_deploy_datetime_start
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dephist_deploy_locality
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lat
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lon
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_method
#> [1] ""
#> $device_model
#> [1] ""
#> $device_serial
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $device_url
#> [1] "http://www.cats.is/"
#> $dtype_datetime_made
#> [1] "2019-12-07 18:26:51"
#> $dtype_format
#> [1] ".csv"
#> $dtype_nfiles
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dtype_source
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $project_datetime_end
#> [1] ""
#> $project_datetime_start
#> [1] ""
#> $project_name
#> [1] ""
#> $provider_cite
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_details
#> [1] "Stanford University"
#> $provider_doi
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_email
#> [1] "jergold@stanford.edu"
#> $provider_license
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_name
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen"
#> $sensors_firm
#> [1] "Not specified"
#> $sensors_soft
#> [1] "Not specified"
#> $data_owner
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen, Dave Cade"

The info structure tells you where the data came from, when it was collected, on what animal, and with what type of tag. info is the general metadata store for a dataset. You can find out what is in a specific field in info, e.g., to get the sensors_list:

#> [1] "3 axis Accelerometer,3 axis Gyroscope,Temperature,Pressure,Light level,"

Updating and adding metadata

There is a lot of metadata missing from this file! read_cats() can only auto-fill it with information that is standard for all CATS tags, or contained in the file itself. Other metadata must be added by the user.

For example, to add a field called ‘data_owner’ with value ‘Jeremy Goldbogen, Dave Cade’, you would enter:

MN$info$data_owner <- 'Jeremy Goldbogen, Dave Cade'
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen, Dave Cade"

This is a way to add metadata to a dataset before sending it off to an archive (e.g., a dataset to accompany a journal paper). Although there are no rules for what you call each field, we are working toward establishing a set of best practices.

Entering metadata by hand by typing it into the R console is tedious, and also a recipe for inconsistencies. (Let’s avoid that!) To that end, we have tried to provide a couple of other options, considered below.

Saving Metadata with make_info

You can use make_info() to create a metadata info structure with information about the researcher, tag type, and study species. This function allows the user to generate a “skeleton” info structure for a tag deployment, with some common pieces of metadata filled in. Additional information can then be added manually or using a custom script before saving this info as part of a netCDF (.nc) file.

For example,

more_info <- make_info(depid = 'cats_test', tagtype = 'CATS', 
                       species = 'mn', owner = 'jg')
# results a few chunks later

Note that you may need to add researchers, species, and perhaps tag types to the template files. To find out where these are stored on your machine, you can run:

system.file('extdata', 'researchers.csv', package='tagtools')
#> [1] "/private/var/folders/q4/k126wrt15cn2f1c8fmkthng80000gp/T/RtmpPlXhU2/temp_libpath1246ba3cb04f/tagtools/extdata/researchers.csv"

Then, navigate to the folder and make any edits that you would like. You may need to restart R before they will take effect.

Once you have succeeded in running make_info(), you can view the results:

#> $animal_dbase_url
#> [1] NA
#> $animal_id
#> [1] "Unknown"
#> $animal_species_common
#> [1] "Humpback whale"
#> $animal_species_science
#> [1] "Megaptera novaeangliae"
#> $dephist_deploy_datetime_start
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dephist_deploy_locality
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lat
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lon
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_method
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_device_datetime_start
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dephist_device_regset
#> [1] "dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS"
#> $dephist_device_tzone
#> [1] "0"
#> $depid
#> [1] "cats_test"
#> $device_make
#> [1] "CATS"
#> $device_model
#> [1] ""
#> $device_serial
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $device_type
#> [1] "Archival"
#> $device_url
#> [1] "http://www.cats.is/"
#> $dtype_datetime_made
#> [1] "2021-08-18 14:18:02"
#> $dtype_format
#> [1] ".csv"
#> $dtype_nfiles
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dtype_source
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $project_datetime_end
#> [1] ""
#> $project_datetime_start
#> [1] ""
#> $project_name
#> [1] ""
#> $provider_cite
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_details
#> [1] "Stanford University"
#> $provider_doi
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_email
#> [1] "jergold@stanford.edu"
#> $provider_license
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_name
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen"
#> $sensors_firm
#> [1] "Not specified"
#> $sensors_list
#> [1] "3axis Accelerometer,3 axis Magnetometer,3 axis Gyroscope,Pressure,Light,GPS,Video"
#> $sensors_soft
#> [1] "Not specified"

Combining info and more_info

Now we have two different info structures—the one we just created with make_info() and the one we got when we created the .nc file using read_cats().

We can combine the two together, keeping the fields from the original info if there are any duplicates:

more_info[names(MN$info)] <- MN$info
MN$info <- more_info
#> $animal_dbase_url
#> [1] NA
#> $animal_id
#> [1] "Unknown"
#> $animal_species_common
#> [1] "Humpback whale"
#> $animal_species_science
#> [1] "Megaptera novaeangliae"
#> $dephist_deploy_datetime_start
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dephist_deploy_locality
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lat
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_location_lon
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_deploy_method
#> [1] ""
#> $dephist_device_datetime_start
#> [1] "2016-07-27 16:29:38"
#> $dephist_device_regset
#> [1] "dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS"
#> $dephist_device_tzone
#> [1] "0"
#> $depid
#> [1] "cats_test"
#> $device_make
#> [1] "CATS"
#> $device_model
#> [1] ""
#> $device_serial
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $device_type
#> [1] "Archival"
#> $device_url
#> [1] "http://www.cats.is/"
#> $dtype_datetime_made
#> [1] "2019-12-07 18:26:51"
#> $dtype_format
#> [1] ".csv"
#> $dtype_nfiles
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $dtype_source
#> [1] "UNKNOWN"
#> $project_datetime_end
#> [1] ""
#> $project_datetime_start
#> [1] ""
#> $project_name
#> [1] ""
#> $provider_cite
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_details
#> [1] "Stanford University"
#> $provider_doi
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_email
#> [1] "jergold@stanford.edu"
#> $provider_license
#> [1] "Contact data provider"
#> $provider_name
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen"
#> $sensors_firm
#> [1] "Not specified"
#> $sensors_list
#> [1] "3 axis Accelerometer,3 axis Gyroscope,Temperature,Pressure,Light level,"
#> $sensors_soft
#> [1] "Not specified"
#> $creation_date
#> [1] "2019-12-07 13:36:15"
#> $data_source
#> [1] "20160730-091117-Froback-11-part"
#> $data_nfiles
#> [1] "1"
#> $data_format
#> [1] "csv"
#> $data_owner
#> [1] "Jeremy Goldbogen, Dave Cade"

Saving metadata with a GUI editor

Another option for entering user-generated metadata is to use the animaltags metadata editor. This interface allows you to type your information into pre-named fields, allowing you to fully customize the information while also using standard field names.

To launch the editor, run:

A web browser window will open in which you can fill in metadata fields for your tag.

Depending on your individual platform, this editor may not have any of the tabs open. Simply click on one of the tabs (Device Information, Tag and Animal Information, etc.) to open it.

Perhaps you don’t currently have metadata on hand to fill in the fields yourself. Or, at some point you might already have metadata stored in a CSV spreadsheet, in the specific format that this reader recognizes (it will not magically pick out metadata saved in a CSV in any order of your choosing). In either case, the function that reads metadata for you from a .csv file is useful. There should be a .csv spreadsheet with metadata in your workshop materials that you can use for now. Upload it with “Browse”, then click “Open from CSV” to harvest the data. This will automate the data entry process for you.

When you are done, scroll to the bottom of the editor, fill in a file name under which to save your work, and click “Save”.

Note that there are a number of fields which we strongly suggest filling out…you will get a warning if you try to save with these left blank. You can choose where on your computer to save this (temporary) file, and it should confirm what the file name is.

Then, once this file is in your working directory, you can load the info into R as an animaltags info structure via:

yet_more_info <- csv2struct('the_file_you_just_saved.csv')
# results not included, will depend on your individual file

And finally, combine it with the rest as before. Try to emulate the two lines from above, changing the names as needed, without opening the chunk below. Then check your work against this:

yet_more_info[names(MN$info)] <- MN$info
MN$info <- yet_more_info

Saving the data

We’ve now made quite a few additions to the metadata in the info structure, and we probably want to save those to our .nc file. Here’s how.

MN$info[is.na(MN$info)] <- NULL
add_nc('cats_test_raw', X = MN$info, vname = 'info') 

That’s it! If all has worked smoothly, your .nc file will contain all the additions we’ve been working on.


What have you learned so far? More important steps that will hopefully, as you’re working with data more frequently, become healthy routines of consistent, rigorous documentation.

Great work!

If you’d like to continue working through these practicals, vectors-vs-structures and plots-and-cropping are two good choices.

vectors-vs-structures is a quick review of the way R stores data in structures, and how these can be extracted to individual vectors/scalars.

vignette('vectors-vs-structures', package = 'tagtools')

In plots-and-cropping, you’ll get to start visualizing some data of the types you’ve been learning to load.

vignette('plots-and-cropping', package = 'tagtools')

Animaltags home pages: http://animaltags.org/ (old), https://animaltags.netlify.app/ (new), https://github.com/stacyderuiter/TagTools (for latest beta source code), https://stacyderuiter.github.io/TagTools/articles/TagTools (vignettes overview)