This function loads a tag dataset from a netCDF file (this is an archival file format supported by the tagtools package and suitable for submission to online data archives).

load_nc(file, which_vars = NULL)



File name (and path, if necessary) of netCDF file to be read, as a quoted character string.


(Optional) A list of quoted character strings giving the exact names of variables to be read in. Default is to read all variables present in the file. parameters should be read in.


An animaltag object (a list) containing sensor and metadata structures. The item names in X will be the same as the names of the variables in the NetCDF file (plus an "info" one), e.g., if the file contains A and P, output object X will have fields X$A, X$P and X$info (the file metadata).


if (FALSE) {
# Note: must have the file saved in current working directory for this to work
# load_nc('')