This function is used to rotate triaxial vector measurements from one frame to another.

rotate_vecs(V, Q)



is a tag data structure, a 3-element vector or a 3-column matrix of vector measurements for example V could be from an accelerometer or magnetometer.


is the rotation matrix. If Q is a single 3x3 matrix, the same rotation is applied to all vectors in V. If Q is a 3x3xn matrix where n is the number of rows in V, a different transformation given by Q[,, k] is applied to each row of V.


The rotated vector or matrix with the same size as the input V.


Frame: This function makes no assumptions about frame.


if (FALSE) {
x <- (pi / 180) * matrix(c(25, -60, 33), ncol = 3)
Q <- euler2rotmat(x[, 1], x[, 2], x[, 3])
V <- rotate_vecs(c(0.77, -0.6, -0.22), Q)
# Returns: V = c(0.7072485, -0.1255922, 0.6966535)