Read a .csv file with data from a CATS tag deployment, including associated metadata, and store the resulting data in a .nc file.

read_cats(fname, depid)



is the file name of the CATS CSV file including the complete path name if the file is not in the current working directory or in a directory on the path. The .csv suffix is optional.


is a string containing the deployment identification code assigned to this deployment, for example, 'mn12_186a'.


A string (constructed by: ''; for example, '') containing the file name of the netCDF (.nc) file in which the output has been saved. This function generates a netCDF file in the current working directory containing the tag data variables, including:

  • A, Accelerometer data structure

  • M, Magnetometer data structure

  • T, Temperature sensor data structure

  • info Information structure for the deployment


CATS loggers can produce very large csv files which are slow to process. This function is (somewhat) optimised for speed and memory use so will tolerate large files. But processing could be slow.


if (FALSE) {
nc_filename <- read_cats("my_cats_file.csv", "my_cats_deplyment_name")